Felicos Catering
Specialist in Off Premise Catering
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CATERING: 631.777.1999
RESTAURANT: 631.249.1401
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Cocktail parties, fueled by Prohibition during the first few decades of the 1900s, have always been popular, but have made a particularly strong come back in recent years. Our catered cocktail party menus are suitable for both business and personal gatherings. Depending on your event and the time of day, we'll provide you with everything you may need from light finger foods to small plates of more substantial food, suitable for dinner time cocktail parties. Take a look at our sample cocktail party menus below, but remember that in addition to food we can provide you with everything else for your cocktail party, including but not limited to a bartender, full supply for your bar (including cups, filtered ice, soda, water and all the mixers for your drinks), desserts and coffee service.

Felicos Off Premise Catering
FELICO'S CATERING 85 Allen Blvd, Farmingdale, NY, 11735
631.777.1999 (Catering) 631.249.1401 (Restaurant)